Quebec Art Company’s latest thriller Wait Until Dark features, from left, Ladd Johnson, Julian Dawson, Sheila Mawn, Michael Bourguignon and Sofia Buijs. (Photo by Cheryl Rimmer courtesy of the Quebec Art Company)

Three shows only for Quebec Art Company’s Wait Until Dark

Three shows only for Quebec Art Company’s Wait Until Dark

Submitted by the Quebec Art Company

The teachers’ strike has forced the Quebec Art Company to reduce its run of the classic thriller Wait Until Dark to three instead of four performances at Holland Elementary School.

Opening night is now Friday, Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m., with an evening show on Saturday, also at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.

Tickets for reserved seating are $20 and available through the company website (

The company had originally planned to stage the play in 2020. With preparations well underway, the pandemic forced the production to be postponed until now. QAC feels it’s been worth the wait.

Cheryl Rimmer, the company’s seasoned director, said, “We are so pleased to bring back this classic thriller that so deserves its time on stage. Although many might argue that it’s hard to compete with the big-budget special effects of the screen, stage suspense and thrillers provide a more intimate experience for an audience. It might even allow us to confront our internal fears and demons.”

Wait Until Dark, written by Frederick Knott, features an outstanding cast of familiar faces and some exciting newcomers. It’s the chilling tale of a young blind woman living in New York City who is engaged in a battle of wits with crooks. Stage versions have thrilled audiences for years with the deadly cat-and-mouse game. The movie version earned star Audrey Hepburn much acclaim.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. With three shows only, don’t miss this exceptional theatrical event. Come support top-notch community theatre.

Quebec Art Company’s latest thriller Wait Until Dark features, from left, Ladd Johnson, Julian Dawson, Sheila Mawn, Michael Bourguignon and Sofia Buijs. (Photo by Cheryl Rimmer courtesy of the Quebec Art Company)

Three shows only for Quebec Art Company’s Wait Until Dark was last modified: November 21st, 2023 by QCT Editor

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