War in Ukraine: How can you help?

War in Ukraine: How can you help?

Researched and compiled by Myriam Labbé


The QCT has put together a non-exhaustive list of non-sectarian, non-political resources available to Canadians and Quebecers who wish to lend a helping hand to support people affected by the war in Ukraine.

International charities:

UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Fund


Canadian Red Cross 

redcross.ca or 1-800-418-1111

Note: Global Affairs Canada has committed to matching every donation made by individual Canadians to the Canadian Red Cross’s Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.

Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the World)


The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)


The United Nations Crisis Relief Ukraine Humanitarian Fund


Local charities and civilian organizations:

CANADA – Host your Ukrainian Refugees (Facebook group) facebook.com/groups/3148765652075065

QUEBEC – Collaboration Santé Internationale

csiquebec.org/aider-csi/faire-un-don-en-argent (in French only)

UKRAINE – Support Kiev Zoo for the safety and transfers of the animals zoo.kiev.ua/en/how-to-support-our-zoo-and-animals

EUROPE – Keep Ukraine’s Media Going (GoFundMe Campaign)


More resources are available on the website below (aggregated by country). However, as the website is crowdsourced, potential donors should exercise caution before donating or providing personal information:


War in Ukraine: How can you help? was last modified: March 8th, 2022 by QCT Editor

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