Marcel Leboeuf, actor, motivational speaker and author of La passion selon Marcel tells seniors at the FADOQ Salon, “Without passion, there is no salvation.” Those present hung on every word of Leboeuf’s talk, where he encouraged seniors to be passionate about something in their lives and to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. (Photo by Shirley Nadeau)

The 10th annual Salon FADOQ has something for everyone 50+

The 10th annual Salon FADOQ has something for everyone 50+ Shirley Nadeau The 10th Salon of the Fédération de l’Âge d’Or du Québec (FADOQ), which took place at the…

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The 10th annual Salon FADOQ has something for everyone 50+ was last modified: October 17th, 2023 by QCT Editor