Volunteers Lorna Gailis and Mary Robertson help assemble the hundreds of boxes to be filled with groceries for the Community Christmas Hamper Campaign in the gymnasium of the Eastern Québec Learning Centre on Dec. 14. (Photo by Shirley Nadeau)
PHOTOS: Community Christmas Hamper Campaign volunteers deliver the goods!
PHOTOS: Community Christmas Hamper Campaign volunteers deliver the goods!
Photos submitted by Shirley Nadeau for CCHC
Volunteers Lorna Gailis and Mary Robertson help assemble the hundreds of boxes to be filled with groceries for the Community Christmas Hamper Campaign in the gymnasium of the Eastern Québec Learning Centre on Dec. 14. (Photo by Shirley Nadeau)Andrew Ayre, Jean- Sébastien Jolin-Gignac (in the background) and Susan Doucet are setting up the Community Christmas Hamper Campaign “grocery store” on Dec. 15. Food delivered to the Eastern Québec Learning Centre is unpacked and put on the tables. Volunteers then go around with the boxes (on wheeled tables) to be filled for each household before they are delivered by volunteer drivers on Dec. 17. (Photo by Shirley Nadeau)Delivery Day! Volunteer drivers Gary Craig and Andrea Craig help Santa (Allan Offer) deliver the goods on Dec. 17. Hundreds of boxes of groceries are packed inside the Eastern Québec Learning Centre, and bags of frozen meats are lined up outdoors (so they won’t thaw before being delivered) before being placed in drivers’ vehicles to be delivered to recipients. Thank you to everyone who helped with this year’s 27th annual Community Christmas Hamper Campaign! (Photo by Shirley Nadeau)
PHOTOS: Community Christmas Hamper Campaign volunteers deliver the goods! was last modified: December 20th, 2022 by QCT Editor