Rage Against the Machine storms the Plains of Abraham Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com Rage Against The Machine (RATM) shook the Plains of Abraham on July 16. The 90-minute concert was full…

Rage Against the Machine storms the Plains of Abraham Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com Rage Against The Machine (RATM) shook the Plains of Abraham on July 16. The 90-minute concert was full…
Free FEQ stage a chill spot for sublime shows Danielle Burns danielle@qctonline.com If being herded onto the Plains of Abraham with 100,000 of your closest friends, with lineups for the porta-potties,…
That’s a wrap for FEQ 2022 Cassandra Kerwin cassandra@qctonline.com A few hours before the last bands took the stage on July 17, organizers declared the 54th Festival d’été de Québec…
OSQ announces the death of Bramwell Tovey Shirley Nadeau shirley@qctonline.com Less than a year after the Orchestre symphonique de Québec (OSQ) announced the arrival of Bramwell Tovey as interim director during…
Each caregiver’s journey is different, but we could all use a little support Submitted by Anaïs Fortin-Maltais, Caregivers’ Circle Program Co-ordinator The caregiving journey can take many forms. If you…
OBITUARY: Margaret Joan CAVANAGH (1936-2022)
Margaret Joan Cavanagh, better known to everyone as Joan Gibb, died on July 7, 2022 at Saint Brigid’s Home in Quebec City, only a week shy of her eighty-sixth birthday.
Born in Montreal, the only child of Edith Mae Gray and James Gordon Cavanagh, Joan lived and worked most of her life in Quebec City. A devoted Anglican Christian, partial to the High-Church tradition, she was a faithful member of St. Matthew’s Church and later Trinity Church. In addition to her lengthy and indefatigable service as a key member of the staff of Church House, Joan also served at various times as a churchwarden, a life member of the Anglican Church Women and of the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, and a lay member of the diocesan, provincial and general synods.
Though she lived alone for much of her life, Joan cultivated many longstanding friendships, which she cherished and lovingly tended through notes, cards, phone calls and visits. She was also a lover of animals, and frequently and happily cared for cats, dogs and birds whose owners were out of town. Joan was an avid traveller herself, and among her more notable destinations were the Holy Land, Greece, Ireland and Florida.
Joan’s earthly pilgrimage having now ended, she will be commended to the loving mercy of the God she loved and whom she sought to follow and serve. Her funeral will take place at Trinity Church (2687 chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, Quebec City) on Saturday, Aug. 13 at 2 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations are invited to the organizations to which Joan was a regular and generous contributor: the Canadian Cancer Society, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, the Fraser Recovery Program, Jeffery Hale Community Partners, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, St. Paul’s Church in Saint-Malachie and Trinity Church in Sainte-Foy.
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