LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fond memories of the Duke of Edinburgh Award

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fond memories of the Duke of Edinburgh Award

Dear Editor, 

Reading that the CEO of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Canada now lives in Quebec City, in the July 31 issue of the QCT, brought back fond memories of my own experience with the awards program.

As a Girl Guide and Ranger in Quebec City in the 1970s, I, along with several members of our company, worked valiantly towards obtaining the awards under the watchful eye of our Girl Guide Captain, Margaret Bernier, now a resident of Saint Brigid’s Home, and Mary Lynn Flett of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax. The challenges presented were a step up after working on our Guiding badges.

Long life to the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award!

~ Karen Macdonald, Greenfield Park, Que.

Editors’ note: Karen Macdonald and her husband François Vézina were the owners of the QCT from 1993-2007. She recently retired after many years as the station manager and news director of Global Television in Montreal.


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fond memories of the Duke of Edinburgh Award was last modified: August 19th, 2024 by QCT Editor

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